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About us

Experience design.

As the industry’s first user-centric design agency, Dutch Lion has always been guided by a relentless focus on user needs. We enable new user behaviors with a relevant, useful and engaging design that drives growth for businesses and impacts people’s lives.

Digital devices and platforms augment our ability to think, perceive and make decisions — and Dutch Lion was founded on the idea that great design can change the way consumers and brands interact with each other. We were the first agency to deliver user experience to the marketplace, and we lead the industry in breakthroughs in UX design. With more experience in user-centric design and strategy than anyone else in the industry, we create experiences that deliver measurable value to users and to businesses.

We apply digital product methodologies, including rapid prototyping, ongoing usability testing and iterative development to bridge the gap between the digital experiences of users and their physical ones. Our context-adaptive omnichannel content curation, user experience strategy and product development put the context, expectations and decision-making processes of users at the center of every solution.

Ours is not just a design capability; insights about content, analytics, brand, business and technology inform every step of our iterative process, which we undertake in close collaboration with our clients. The result is an innovative user experience that offers consumers something relevant, useful and on-brand.

Omnichannel design

The secret to great platform work is a deep understanding of the user’s context, no matter the channel. We examine the unique constraints and opportunities offered by any given platform, and through the application of our iterative design process, engineer efficient interfaces with beautiful display layers.

Service design

We work with the Dutch Lion business consulting team to define the people, organizational structure, infrastructure, communications and systems required to launch and manage a digital product or service that resonates with users and achieves high levels of usability.

In-store digital

Whether the goal is to enable wayfinding, surface product information, drive sales or increase brand awareness, environmental design can play a key role in delighting users while achieving business goals. We craft interactive experiences that users want to engage with by paying special attention to the public nature of the experience and the physical considerations of the environment.

Product design

A great product should never stop evolving. From discovery through deployment, we constantly reevaluate our approaches to experience challenges. By using a combination of sketching, 3-D modeling, rapid prototyping, user testing and analytics analysis, we’re able to continuously grow and improve upon a given product.

Responsive design

We have a deep understanding of responsive design, grounded in years of experience designing for mobile screens, tablets and desktop, and everything in between. We can develop native or hybrid apps on every platform that perform seamlessly across devices and create content for e-commerce and social experiences.

Mobile and emerging platforms

Dutch Lion has extensive experience designing mobile applications that work seamlessly across devices, as well as designing for emerging platforms, such as wearables, in-car digital, gesture-enabled devices, voice, home automation devices, and out-of-home digital experiences.

Industrial design

Increasingly, physical objects are also digital ones. The Industrial Design team at Dutch Lion works with digital designers to create compelling digitally enabled physical objects. Physical product form, functional, materials and aesthetics are considered in creating the object.