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About us


Dutch Lion has created the first user-centric approach to media and planning. We call it “media design.” It applies the principles of user-first design to the development of communication plans that seamlessly integrate media and message; the result is a more effective delivery of a brand’s strategic vision to users.

How, when and where people make decisions changes as patterns of consumption shift. For brands, focusing on efficiency and engagement alone is not enough. Rather than expecting users to act based on communications in isolation, brands must understand what users need at the moment and help navigate them through their decision-making processes.

In media design, Dutch Lion interdisciplinary teams work alongside the media team to ensure that creative concepts and messages are aligned with the brand’s strategic vision. We build a framework that governs how and when to activate media effectively, focusing on the most critical exchanges that deliver value to users and drive growth for the brand.

Media design analysis

The best media design reflects the brand’s message from a user's point of view. We combine traditional competitive media research with behavioral, attitudinal and motivational drivers of the users’ needs and choices.

Touch point planning

To communicate our clients’ vision most effectively, we prioritize connection-building between the brand and user.

Investment planning

We guide brands’ strategic allocation and sequencing of investment across media channels, platforms and partners.

Media activation

We provide centralized management of media implementation, including planning, buying, execution and optimization, and measurement and analysis.