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About us


Everything Dutch Lion does depend on a deep understanding of the user, so we start by finding out what users want and need. We combine new tools with traditional research expertise to guide our strategy, design and technology decisions.

Technology has transformed the primary-research industry. Today, brands can reach users, gather new forms of feedback and deploy brand-new research methodologies more quickly and effectively than ever. While other research firms are struggling to catch up and adapt, Dutch Lion will always be at the forefront of leveraging technology to bring clarity to a user’s point of view. We are focused not just on how users act or what they do, but also on why they make specific choices, and how their motivations and perceptions support the way they see their world.

At Dutch Lion, user research has always been central to our process. What is disruptive to the greater research industry is second nature to us. A holistic understanding of the user’s world drives our strategy, design and technology decisions not just during development, but also throughout the launch, tracking, measurement, and optimization. We are committed to learning what people actually do, think and need by observing how they interact with digital. These insights help us to create real products and services for our clients that make people’s lives better.

Ethnographic research

By conducting research in the user’s natural environment, we expose the physical context in which users live, unearth unacknowledged habits and practices, and reveal how digital and physical processes can integrate with and enhance their lives.

Qualitative research

We deploy a range of qualitative research methodologies to understand user needs and motivations. We utilize focus groups and a variety of online methodologies. Private and public user groups allow extensive user feedback and iterative concept testing. Mobile allows us to conduct primary research in the context of real lives, with spontaneous question-and-answer sessions.

Quantitative research

We deploy online and phone-based survey panels to gather quantitative data with respect to user opinion and attitudes. This information is used for market segmentation and to glean further insights into the perception of a brand or the kinds of problems that a brand can help solve.

Usability testing

We help clients produce products and services that address real user needs. Usability testing, including listening labs and iterative testing, is critical to creating experiences that are valuable. We rely on user feedback to help push our work further and expand its potential to reinvent industries and make people’s lives better.

Market segmentation

Conducting needs-based segmentation has always been a powerful way to understand users because it highlights groups who have unique sets of unmet, and often unspoken, needs. We use segmentation to create an infrastructure to reach specific groups of consumers, continually evaluate performance and help clients optimize user value.

User personas and scenarios

Through our research work, we develop user personas and scenarios, which create an attitudinal and need-based framework for a user type. Personas constitute a key input in the design process.