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About us


Engineers, strategists, and quality assurance professionals turn ideas and designs into functional, reliable products and services. The Dutch Lion cross-disciplinary teams are highly collaborative, pushing the boundaries of what brands can enable for their users.

Dutch Lion believes that technology can solve real business problems by enabling new user experiences that drive growth. At Dutch Lion, we integrate all disciplines creative, design, user experience and technology throughout every project from beginning to end. Dutch Lion designs across devices, focusing on a brand’s entire digital ecosystem with content, mobile and commerce at its core. We prioritize continuous delivery over time, which allows us to integrate real user feedback, collect data and improve the end product based on new insights. We provide strategy, consultation, solution architecture, cross-stack solution development and quality assurance, all in-house. With a solid foundation in existing technology stacks, databases, content management systems and e-commerce systems, we bring our expertise to existing projects and adapt nimbly to new challenges.

By looking beyond the product itself to consider the industry, the competition and the context, we are able to generate new ideas for what is technologically possible and then implement them in ways that are viable for businesses and operationally stable. At the same time, our products are living, dynamic entities that respond to market changes.

Mobile & multiplatform apps

We build mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone, using tools like Cordova, XCode and PhoneGap to create web-based apps and prototypes rapidly. We can develop native apps on every platform and also create hybrid apps to engage consumers effectively across devices.


We implement the top on-premise and cloud-hosted e-commerce platforms, including ATG, Magento, Woocomerce and Demandware. As experts in applying our world-class designs to these platforms, we never accept cookie-cutter user experiences.

In-store digital

We create in-store experiences that bridge physical and digital worlds. By applying technologies ranging from simple touchscreens and barcode scanners to iBeacons, gesture recognition and 3-D printing, we set the standard for retail innovation that offers users real value and drives sales.

Content management systems (CMS)

Dutch Lion technology goes beyond site builds: we can automate systems to make deployment easy, migrate content from the existing CMS, integrate with other systems in real time, scale on demand to handle traffic spikes, and optimize speed and efficiency at any phase of development. We are experts in customizing leading CMS technology, including Adobe AEM, Sitecore, Drupal and WordPress.

Emerging platforms

Dutch Lion creates apps for Pebble, Samsung Gear and Moto 360; Apple Watch and Microsoft Band are next. We've even created our own smartband using Arduino. We specialize in connecting wearables with other devices to create seamless functionality, using gesture recognition, voice and other cutting-edge technologies to enable new user behaviors and experiences. Gesture recognition technologies are a particular area of expertise, with development experience including applications on Leap Motion, Microsoft Kinect, Project Tango and Oculus Rift.