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About us


Dutch Lion helps businesses grow their digital audience through paid and natural search. Technology, design, content and social considerations drive search performance and foster long-term engagements.

Search engines are evolving to address user needs more effectively. As Google algorithm updates transform the landscape of search, well-prepared businesses thrive while others fail to keep up. At Dutch Lion, our SEO is tightly integrated with paid search to create a holistic solution. By experimenting with different methods, we’ve become experts at creating SEO and inbound systems that evolve continuously to ensure that our clients see consistent growth across channels, even as algorithms change.

We make content usable in paid and unpaid contexts from the beginning of every digital strategy. Pairing cutting-edge technology with the best tools and talent in the business, we deploy over 15 web crawlers to monitor the web, providing insights that are unmatched. By prioritizing the content and the user, we can execute inbound strategies in a search-friendly way across channels. Unlike other inbound marketing strategies, our SEO work is fully integrated within client digital ecosystems — it’s never a bolted-on solution.

Search technology strategy

The Search team evaluates the technical and coding approaches to a digital experience to ensure maximum search efficacy. The result is front-end code and an overall site architecture that is optimized for natural search.

Search content strategy

We provide keyword targeting recommendations based on user intent, competitive presence, search volume and content availability. To maximize site strength, our internal link mapping boosts priority keyword rankings and increases page authority. Through timely and effective indexation, we also make content recommendations based on consumer search trends, ensuring that content has its best chance to perform.

Search social strategy

We’ve established a comprehensive set of inbound communications best practices for publishing press releases, articles and news. As Google has evolved its algorithm to include social signals as a ranking factor, it’s become more important to pass social authority to brand websites. By increasing visibility of branded editorial content, we help incite viral activity.

Local optimization

We work with clients to develop localized strategies geared at increasing inbound traffic. Local optimization strategies include content, social, citations, directories and listings. To support launch mitigation, we provide launch planning, redirection, URL mapping and server error monitoring.

Competitive inbound analysis

Dutch Lion’s proprietary crawlers analyze the success of client and competitor inbound strategies and tactics. By situating search performance in context, we support innovation through a deep understanding of the competitive landscape.

Paid search

By taking insights from all major marketing platforms, Dutch Lion engages in paid search through a data-first approach. Our Search team pairs with the Data Science and Media teams on all campaigns in order to create the most unified strategy.